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G.I. Joe (RWC)
  • G.I. Joe (RWC)

    G.I. Joe


    (I'm The Prince RWC  x  Driften Spirit)

    Owner: S&S Equine Investments 
    Standing At: Matt Shiflet Stables 
    Phone: 304-952-1201 
    Foaled: 2012 
    Color: Chestnut 
    Live Foal Guarantee: Yes 
    Transported Semen: Yes ($400/shipment) 
    Mare Care: 
    Booking Fee: No

    In the event that the mare does not conceive, gives birth to a dead foal, or fails to give birth to a live foal, the return privilege extends to the next breeding season only. Return privileges are for natural cover and fresh cool semen only. Frozen semen will not be provided on return privilege.

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